Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Political Scientists and Data †Free Sample Assignment Solution

Question: Discuss how political scientists attempt to quantify data, manipulate data statistically, and attempt to validate hypotheses. Answer: Political scientists conduct studies to prove and forecast occurrences. They collect, analyze and manipulate data to come up with statistically support generalizations and patterns. If this generalization and pattern become frequent, then the scientists can develop a theory. However, this process is not simple the way it is outlined. Political science majors on governments, political behaviors, and public policies. Therefore, the studies rely heavily on opinions to develop relationships. This is what makes the data collection and manipulation approach in political science to be unique. The way political scientists use data and validate their hypothesis can be explained using the general steps in research method outlined by McNabb (2004). According to McNabb, the research objectives are the determinants on how the data will be collected and used. After clearly stating the goal, there is the statement of the hypothesis. The hypothesis contains two types of variables that is the dependent and independent variable. The dependent variable is an occurrence which is influenced by another phenomenon which called independent variables. So, the data collection and manipulation approach are determined by the objectives and the hypothesis. The data collected must be relevant to the outlined theory. After the data is collected, an analysis is done using computer software to develop a relationship. There exists two type of hypothesis, the null, and alternate. After analyzing the data, reference is made to stated hypothesis to see if the two agree. The hypothesis is then accepted or rejected basing on the outcome. However, the political environment is affected by many interrelated issues. Therefore, the scientists are in constant consultation with their colleagues to identify any loopholes in the results. Furthermore, discussions pinpoint new areas to researched. In conclusion, political analysis is very complicated since it studies forces which are greatly interconnected. References McNabb, D. E. (2004). Research Methods for Political Science: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. New York: M.E. Sharpe.

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