Thursday, February 27, 2020

Procter and Gamble Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Procter and Gamble - Case Study Example Jaeger also let the existing brands sideslip while introducing expensive new brands that never caught on. One of the Jaeger's shortcomings was lack of understanding of P&G's culture, having come from abroad and having worked his way up he failed to imbibe the true spirit that P&G was built upon and tried to do away with the very identity and brand imaging P&G worked on. It was under Jaeger's leadership strategic focus and direction became fuzzy and not only did the company's profits decreased P&G became saddled with excess baggage that threatened to squeeze P&G's life blood. (Jamal Shamsie 2005) Jamal (2005) mentions that Lafley is focusing on existing strengths in brands that have strong following and following these brands to make them into super brands - empowering his work force, delegating responsibility and ownership into employees, and recognition of the efforts. He also focused on opening channels and reducing hierarchical layers so that ideas and suggestions are heard quickly and acted upon quickly. He believed in the motto that key assets of P&G are its employees and brands. Lafley is also focusing on focusing on P&G's strong cultural values and on reclaiming the heritage through aggressive measures whilst taking employees into complete confidence. He has focused on building goodwill, strengthening of key areas and opening of communication channels. (Jamal Shamsie 2005) Jamal ... Jamal (2005) believes that some of his major steps have been to trim down the work force, especially the leadership team, realigned responsibilities, reducing multiple layers, changing traditional hierarchy at P&G, making P&G customer focused rather than other way round. He has instituted regular meetings with all of his 12 top executives every start of week, sitting at a round table, letting them thrash out ideas while acting only as a moderator. He has focused more on women giving to them more key positions then before. He has recreated existing brands with new outlook to make product usage an experience that users would want to enjoy. He has complemented beauty line with acquisitions of Clairol and Wella. He has been of the opinion that P&G should build up on its strengths and should not be diversifying and loosing focus on areas which are not its key strengths. He has revamped its existing 200 brands adding extensions that complement on existing brands that add value to existing brands by providing additional features that would enhance the brands existing functions - Tide stain brush, a battery powered brush for removing stains, while washing with Tide! (Jamal Shamsie 2005) Some of the ethical issues he has had to face with is bringing people from outside where P&G earlier only promoted from within - giving multiple promotions to promising P&G 3 staff members, giving women higher responsibilities and more decision making roles. Another difficult decision had been to outsource any product or service that was not value adding inside the firm. He has to a large extent shifted the surplus workforce from his own premises to the outsourced company's premises. (Jamal Shamsie 2005) What is Lafley hoping to achieve with his

Monday, February 10, 2020

My passion for education. Why become an educator Essay

My passion for education. Why become an educator - Essay Example A society is a place where human beings work together to form a livable environment. It’s a place where everyone has a role to play. But what shapes a society? Well the people obviously! But who shapes these people? The answer is teachers. From the point of our birth to the end of our lives we keep learning new things, big or small, it does not matter. In our childhood our energies are high and we perceive this world as a place of abundant knowledge but what knowledge is important? This is something that is pointed out by our teachers. What to learn what not to learn. Our teachers shape our minds, open our imaginations and give us the belief and the tools to learn. A teacher quite literally shapes the future. I want to be a teacher because of all these things. Today our world is falling into chaos. Nations are at their wits ends, wars are being waged, hunger, famine and much more. This is all because we fail to look forward to the future. The children of today are the future of this world, so I feel like it is my responsibility to step up and take charge. I feel responsible to mold these young minds for a better and stronger future- a future filled with happiness! Becoming an educator has a lot to do with passion and skill. There is no doubt that anyone can have any sort of passion but being an educator requires a lot of skill. It’s about passing on your own knowledge in an effective way. In a way that the receiver of that education not only absorbs the meaning of it but also develops the urge to further study it. I have that passion in me and I definitely have the skill as well. There is also a concept of morality behind the desire to be an educator. Whenever we go out in the search of truth and somehow find it we share it with the world because if we did not we would have still been in the dark ages. If Heisenberg had not shared his uncertainty principle or if Schrodinger had not shared the knowledge of his