Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay Military Bearing - 1013 Words

In the United States NAVY, military bearing is the root in which every service member practices in order to carry out good discipline and ethics throughout ones military careers. The Eleven General Orders of a Sentry, The Articles of the UCMJ, as well as our own Sailors Creed illustrates how a military service member should conduct himself or herself on a daily basis, on and off duty. Dependability is a major aspect of military bearing. Without dependability, one can neither perform properly in the workspace nor be depended upon by their coworkers, or chain of command to carry out their military duties adequately. A military member is required to be punctual, and reliable. Lack of this in a service member not only hinders the mission†¦show more content†¦Respecting senior officers is imperative in order to maintain good military order up and down the chain of command. Punctuality is a key aspect of ones NAVY career. Tardiness can affect the mission of the command. In such an event as General Quarte! rs, one can not afford to be late in carrying out their assigned tasks, for the repercussions can be life threatening to ones fellow shipmates, as well as to the integrity of the ship. Being late to watch can affect the quality of work being done in the work environment. Quarters is a vital necessity within our NAVY where ones chain of command can brief all hands on new information concerning either the workspaces or ones specific job. Watch standing is every sailor’s duty. Without a proper and thorough turnover it hinders the effectiveness of the watch station. Missing information during turnover can result in wasted man-hours, equipment damage, or can compromise the security of the command in which one works. Physical readiness standards are another element of military bearing. Physical readiness standards or better known as PRT’s are held every six months for NAVY personnel. The PRT is a test in which each member of the NAVY must perform and pass within certain standards in order to maintain peek performance in his or her military careers. Such aspects of the PRT are based upon sit up, sit and reach, push ups, as well asShow MoreRelatedMilitary Bearing1023 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Military Bearing† and how it affects the Army as a whole Bearing, put simply, is the appearance and demeanor of a person throughout the activities and circumstances that an individual is seen or observed. An individual is largely judged by others through the bearing that the individual exudes as he goes about his daily affairs, and thus it is very important that the person shows a bearing of competence and professionalism at all times. Militaries since the beginning of recorded history have setRead MoreEssay on Military Bearing2093 Words   |  9 PagesImportance of Military Bearing Military bearing is the root in which every soldier practices in order to carry out good discipline and ethics throughout ones military career. Army regulations and soldiers on our own creed illustrate how a military service member should conduct themselves on a daily basis, on and off duty. Loyalty, duty, respect, commitment, honor, punctuality, reliable, integrity, and personal courage are Army core values. Courage is the ability to stand up for ones beliefs andRead MoreMilitary Bearing Essay1046 Words   |  5 PagesIn the United States Army, military bearing is the root in which every service member practices in order to carry out good discipline and ethics throughout ones military careers. The Three General Orders of a Soldier, The articles of UCMJ, as well as our own Sailors Creed illustrates how a military service member should conduct himself or herself on a daily basis, on and off duty. Dependability is a major aspect of military bearing. Without dependability, one can neither perform properly in theRead MoreMilitary Bearing Essay example851 Words   |  4 PagesMilitary bearing is ones outward appearance. The sharp uniform, perfect haircut, and their motivation and pride in their appearance. Military bearing is the way you take pride in your accomplishments and the majority of your experiences. It is also the way you maintain your composure and contain your emotions at all times. even when some might think it is neccessary to speak ones thoughts, that is where military bearing comes into play and maintains the composure of the soldier himself. MilitaryRead MoreMilitary Bearing Essay618 Words   |  3 PagesIn the United States Army, military bearing is the root in which every service member practices in order to carry out good discipline and ethics throughout their military careers. Army regulations and The Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice show us how a military service member should conduct themselves on a daily basis. All military soldiers have an obligation to conduct themselves like they are adults and to show respect to the ranks above them. If a Soldier fails toRead MoreCorrective Essay: Military Bearing and Respect857 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to Field Manual 6-22, â€Å"Military Bearing is defined as having or projecting a commanding presence and a professional image of authority†. The United States Army is structured on several values and principles that it upholds, among these are military bearing, discipline and respect. Leaders should be able to make these big decisions with all his confidence projecting out with his military bearing. A leader should look like a leader, disciplined, confident, and has the skills and abilitiesRead MoreMilitary Bearing, Respect and Discipline1989 Words   |  8 PagesMILITARY BEARING, DISCIPLINE AND RESPECT The United States Army is structured on several values and principles that it upholds, among these are military bearing, discipline and respect. These principles represents what the organization strongly believes in and governs the most basic customs and courtesies that all its members should abide by, otherwise legal repercussion and punishment is enforced that could ultimately result in separation from the organization. According to Field Manual 6-22Read MoreMilitary Bearing in Context of the US Navy663 Words   |  3 PagesNavy Military Bearing Military bearing is something that applies to all branches of the United States Navy but it manifests itself a little differently depending on the branch in question. This report will focus on the United States Navy and military bearing and the core competencies and codes that define said military bearing in a Navy context. A lot of what will be said below can be applied, in whole or in part, to other branches of the United States Armed Forces. Navy Military Bearing The OhioRead MoreProper Military and Professional Bearing Essay2425 Words   |  10 PagesProper Military and Professional Bearing, Order, Discipline, and Respect IAW AR 600-20 amp; FM 6-22 1. Military Discipline a. Military discipline is founded upon self-discipline, respect for properly constituted authority, and the embracing of the professional Army ethic with its supporting individual values. Military discipline will be developed by individual and group training to create a mental attitude resulting in proper conduct and prompt obedience to lawful military authority. Read MoreSoldier and Appearance Military Appearance Essay634 Words   |  3 PagesWords 5 Pages Always Maintain Good Military Appearance Military Appearance In this paper I will discuss the importance of why a NCO or Drill Sergeant should maintain proper military appearance and why it is important. The NCO’s Creed first states that â€Å"no one is more professional than I†, so I am sure that means more than just appearance. It Premium 1553 Words 7 Pages Appearance Is a Very Important and Highly Regarded Concept in the Military. Appearance is a very important and

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Ethics of Stem Cell Research Essay - 741 Words

Embryonic stem cell research can be easily defined. A stem is defined as something that is developed from. A cell is defined as a microscopic living organism. According to Dennis Hollinger, Embryonic stem cell research uses from the embryos inner cell mass that give rise to each of the human bodys many different tissue types(1). In our modern day society, stem cell research has become a controversial topic. Several people strongly oppose the idea of the research, but many are struggling for the continuance of the program. Embryonic stem cell research should be allowed to continue because it aids in the search of cures for diseases, offers an alternative to discarding unused embryos from in vitro fertilization, and is supported by the†¦show more content†¦Pediatrician Maria Escolar, the leading neuron-developer, explains how the cells tend to grow on damaged tissue areas, more than any other areas in the childs body. Stem cell research also offers an alternative to unused embryos from in vitro fertilization. With consent of the patient, the unused embryos can be donated to stem cell research. When left unused, the embryos are seemingly thrown away. The issue of involving in vitro with stem cell research is also a controversial topic. [The question is] Whether a frozen embryo stored in a refrigerator in a clinic is really equivalent to an embryo or fetus developing in a mothers womb (Hatch3). The argument of committing murder if the embryos are used for research, is contradicted by the discarding of them. If the embryos are not going to be used for in vitro fertilization, then who is to say that discarding them is not committing murder. In 2001, President George W. Bush declared that embryonic stem cell research can only be used with existing cells (Hatch1). This law only proves how vital in vitro embryos are to the research. Now that the president has permitted only research from existing stem c ell lines, the Democratic Senate is sure to loosen the standard and permit stem cell research from discardedShow MoreRelatedStem Cell Research in Ethics999 Words   |  4 PagesStem Cell Research in Ethics We are entering a brave new world where one can grow a heart in a petri plate then go on to surgically putting it into a real living boy who desperately needs it. This sounds like a tale of fiction. However now, scientists are currently working to produce such organs that save lives and obviate the usual failure and feared rejection by the recipient’s body. Stem cell research has traditionally been perceived to be horrific when it destroys a living embryo itselfRead MoreThe Ethics Of Stem Cell Research1557 Words   |  7 Pagesthese outstanding medical advances a self-renewing stem cell that regenerates and gives rise to all cells and tissues of the body was discovered. The controversy of such finding of abilities of stem cell is that they can only be extracted from the human embryo. In order to extort stem cells from the embryo it needs to be aborted. The extraction needs to be done just days after conception or between the fifth and the ninth week. Though stem cell rese arch has astonishing potential to save many lives dueRead MoreThe Ethics Of Stem Cell Research1365 Words   |  6 PagesStem cells are cells that have the potential to develop into different types of cells in the body. Stem cells also act as a repair system for many tissues in the body by dividing repeatedly to replenish other cells within a person (National Institutes of Health). Stem cell research seeks to further the advancement of the use of stem cells as well as to find an ethical way to study them. In November 1998, researchers found a way to isolate and culture human embryonic stem cells, (Bevington 2005).Read MoreThe Ethics Of Stem Cell Research1643 Words   |  7 PagesMichael Thomas Philosophy 3520 Bioethics The Ethics of Stem Cell Research Science fiction has tried to encapsulate social responses that could arise with the development of genetically altered or â€Å"enhanced† human beings. Regenerative medicine, genetic cloning and life extension are all terms that sound like they came out of a fantastic film or novel, though they are in fact subjects of great research and heated debates. Embryonic stem cells are arguably the quintessential building block ofRead MoreThe Ethics Of Stem Cell Research Essay1994 Words   |  8 Pagesscience, stem cells have, and are still, been the subject of multiple court cases, some of which conclude with the defendant s case winning. For example in the Moore v. Regents of University of California et al, the plaintiff accused the Regents of University of California, specifically Dr. Golde, of using his cells for lucrative medical research without his permission (Moore v. The Regents of The University of California et al., 1990). This case doesn’t specifically address st em cells, but it openedRead MoreThe Ethics Of Stem Cell Research2651 Words   |  11 PagesThe Ethics of Stem Cell Research: How the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Changed Them Few areas in science are surrounded by as much controversy as the area of stem cell research. Some scientists and doctors see it as a way to return their patients to wellness, while others claim it’s taking a life. Recent break-throughs in science and medicine may yield a safer alternative to the use of stem cells from embryos. Embryonic stem cell research should not be allowed, because it is unethical to takeRead More The Ethics of Stem Cell Research Essay1005 Words   |  5 Pages While some people might say that stem cell research is immoral and unethical, others believe that it is a magical solution for almost any problem, thus leading to a very controversial issue. Scientists have been searching for years for ways to eradicate incurable diseases and perform other medical procedures that yesterdays technology would not fix. With the rapidly arising, positive research on stem cell technology, the potential that exists to restore any deficiency is in the same way, like lyRead MoreThe Ethics And Morality Of Stem Cell Research1990 Words   |  8 Pages The Ethics and Morality Of Stem Cell Research When does life begin? Does it occur at the time of fertilization? Does it begin at 12 weeks? 6? Or is there some other test determining whether or not a life begins and along with it the rights, that reside to man. The natural rights that belong to every human being, most importantly of which, the right to life. This is the discussion and debate that have been in the forefront of controversial issues for the past 40 years. In most cases the topicRead MoreThe Ethics Of Embryonic Stem Cell Research1520 Words   |  7 PagesGulyas American Government 16 December 2014 The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research In the 21st century, disease is rampant and for most diseases, we have no cure because we haven t researched them long enough to find a specialized cure. One option that we have is human embryonic stem cell (HESC) research. HESC research consists of using human embryonic stem cells, which are very flexible and adaptive to create the necessary cells to develop future cell-based therapies for currently untreatable diseasesRead MoreStem Cell Research, Ethics And Policy Essay2393 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction Stem cell research and engineering is a widely disputed topic that often divides people in science, ethics, and religion. In order to fully understand the controversy surrounding this area of scientific research and discovery, one must be informed as to what stem cells are. In the article, â€Å"Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Research, Ethics and Policy†, stem cells are described as â€Å"primitive cells with the capacity to divide and give rise to more identical stem cells or to specialize and

Friday, December 13, 2019

Preparing Your Classroom For The ELL Student Free Essays

string(59) " should associate to the stuff the text reading discusses\." With many civilizations represented in today ‘s schoolrooms and schools it is important for an pedagogue to be cognizant of the functions cultural background and English proficiency drama on course of study development and schoolroom direction. Educators in this class will analyze cultural factors that must be considered when taking a theoretical account of bringing of direction, interacting with parents, implementing effectual schoolroom direction techniques, and developing school-wide subject policies. Applying cognition gained from a assortment of beginnings, pedagogues will be able to show their apprehension by measuring and modifying course of study and stuffs to do them accessible to 2nd linguistic communication scholars. We will write a custom essay sample on Preparing Your Classroom For The ELL Student or any similar topic only for you Order Now Learning Results: The pupil will be able to: Discourse the impact parental engagement has on an English Language Learners ‘ and/or Bilingual Learners ‘ attitude and behaviour Develop effectual ways in which to affect parents in a meaningful mode Evaluate cultural issues for their impact on pupil behaviour, teacher response and the classroom/school environments Evaluate cultural issues and depict how they impact schoolroom and school policies for subject Examine scheduling options and analyse their consequence on the schoolroom scene and the theoretical account of bringing of direction Apply pertinent larning theories in order to measure and modify schoolroom stuffs to do the course of study accessible to English Language Learners and Bilingual Learners Reflect on their single instruction manner, pupils ‘ civilization, pupils ‘ acquisition manners and territory policies as they pertain to programming, subject and schoolroom direction Online Learning with Full Instructor Facilitation Our establishment maintains an on-line platform that automatically grades pupil pre- and post-assessments, proctors their engagement in the talk, and awards them recognition when they post in the treatment country. Teachers will supervise the advancement and quality of work the pupils provide, including the threaded treatments, and will supply feedback and measure the midterm and concluding undertakings. Weekly Online Lecture Assignments: Week 1 Text Reading: Read about Parental Involvement hypertext transfer protocol: // Promoting ELL Parental Involvement: Challenges in Contested Times hypertext transfer protocol: // For Families Watch Video Clips Clip 1: hypertext transfer protocol: // – Interview with Rebecca Palacious, webcast and transcript Clip 2: Preschool with ELL portion II Assignment: After reading the article and the information on Colorin Colorado ‘s For Families subdivision, reexamine the recommendations on page 16 of Parental Involvement pdf. Focus on the 3rd bulleted point ( Support the professional readying of teachersaˆÂ ¦ ) and with that in head outline a plan to be used to link parents to a subject covered in your course of study or in the For Families subdivision. In the assignment province the course of study subject and why parental engagement would be good. How would you continue with placing the assorted functions that parents could hold in the bringing of the lessons and units related to the course of study subject? What impact would you anticipate this type of parental engagement to hold upon the parents, the pupils and the school as a whole? Discussion Board: Students must subject one alone remark each hebdomad in respects to each of the assigned text reading and answer to a fellow pupil ‘s remarks at least twice each hebdomad. The remarks should associate to the stuff the text reading discusses. You read "Preparing Your Classroom For The ELL Student" in category "Essay examples" Each remark should be at least three sentences in length. The hebdomad ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 2 Text Reading: Read about Classroom direction and cultural issues hypertext transfer protocol: // Classroom Management hypertext transfer protocol: // Culturally antiphonal schoolroom direction hypertext transfer protocol: // Culturally antiphonal instruction Watch Video Clips Clip 1: hypertext transfer protocol: // v=uKsz8yBdCvM Cultural Consciousness Assignment: What does it intend to be culturally antiphonal? What is the relationship between culturally antiphonal instruction and culturally antiphonal schoolroom direction? Prior to reading these texts what was your definition of culturally antiphonal instruction or schoolroom direction? How and why have you revised your stance based upon the readings and picture? Use examples to back up your place. Discussion Board: Students must subject one alone remark each hebdomad in respects to each of the assigned text reading and answer to a fellow pupil ‘s remarks at least twice each hebdomad. The remarks should associate to the stuff the text reading discusses. Each remark should be at least three sentences in length. The hebdomad ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 3 Text Reading: Read about programming options hypertext transfer protocol: // Education Week, Research on Push In Versus Pull Out hypertext transfer protocol: // Center for Applied Linguistics, ESL and Bilingual Program Models – Video Cartridge holders Clip 1: hypertext transfer protocol: // v=Ty3n07UaFUU A ; feature=related New Instructional Strategies Helps ELLs Succeed Clip 2: hypertext transfer protocol: // v=THQRIs3_HMk A ; feature=related Applied Differentiation Assignment: How are classroom direction and course of study execution influenced by the bringing of ESL/Bilingual direction being push in or draw out? Which signifier of bringing do you prefer and why? Discussion Board: Students must subject one alone remark each hebdomad in respects to each of the assigned text reading and answer to a fellow pupil ‘s remarks at least twice each hebdomad. The remarks should associate to the stuff the text reading discusses. Each remark should be at least three sentences in length. The hebdomad ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Midterm Project Due Week 4 Text Reading: Read about Schema Theory hypertext transfer protocol: // Schema Theory and L2 Reading Comprehension: Deductions for Teaching hypertext transfer protocol: // Introduction to Schema Theory Watch Video Clips Clip 1: hypertext transfer protocol: // v=sShMA85pv8M Abbott and Costello ‘s -Who ‘s on First Assignment: Reread the subdivision Implications and Concluding Remarks. Keeping the baseball subject in head, read the baseball subject pages in See It, Be It, Write It, pages 79-81 and 168-169. Then, answer inquiries 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8, and answer those inquiries as they relate to the baseball subject. Discussion Board: Students must subject one alone remark each hebdomad in respects to each of the assigned text reading and answer to a fellow pupil ‘s remarks at least twice each hebdomad. The remarks should associate to the stuff the text reading discusses. Each remark should be at least three sentences in length. The hebdomad ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 5 Text Reading: Read about doing course of study accessible to ELL and Bilingual pupils hypertext transfer protocol: // Literacy and English Language Learners in New Jersey Schools hypertext transfer protocol: // U.S. Department of Education: ELL Literacy and Language Development Watch Video Clips Clip 1: hypertext transfer protocol: // Assignment: Given an test, choice two inquiries and explicate how you could back up the pupil ‘s unwritten linguistic communication and background cognition in order to ease command of the construct assessed in those inquiries. Select three inquiries and explicate how you could modify them for usage with ELL and/or bilingual pupils. Use at least two resources from the web site to back up your alterations. Discussion Board: Students must subject one alone remark each hebdomad in respects to each of the assigned text reading and answer to a fellow pupil ‘s remarks at least twice each hebdomad. The remarks should associate to the stuff the text reading discusses. Each remark should be at least three sentences in length. The hebdomad ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 6 Text Reading: Read about cultural positions hypertext transfer protocol: // NCRTL Particular Report: Educating Teachers for Cultural Diversity. hypertext transfer protocol: // The Inquirer: School Discipline hypertext transfer protocol: // Personal Social and Cultural Perspective in Physical Education Watch Video Clips Clip 1: hypertext transfer protocol: // v=ji5_MqicxSo A ; feature=related Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams Assignment: After reading the three articles, choose 2 subjects that connect the readings. Explain the subject and the connexions. Reread the particular study in order to place two things that have changed since it was published in the 1990s and two state of affairss that still exist. Finally describe an case in your school, territory or your educational life that relates to one of the readings and the picture cartridge holder. What is the relationship? Discussion Board: Students must subject one alone remark each hebdomad in respects to each of the assigned text reading and answer to a fellow pupil ‘s remarks at least twice each hebdomad. The remarks should associate to the stuff the text reading discusses. Each remark should be at least three sentences in length. The hebdomad ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Final Undertaking Due Discussion Board: Students must subject one alone remark each hebdomad in respects to each of the assigned text reading and answer to a fellow pupil ‘s remarks at least twice each hebdomad. The remarks should associate to the stuff the text reading discusses. Each remark should be at least three sentences in length. The hebdomad ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time If a pupil works in front during the six hebdomad class they should still post every hebdomad for the automatic marking package to number the posters. Students are reminded to look into the proclamation subdivision of the treatment board often for points of involvement from the module. Students are besides reminded to utilize the electronic mail, non the treatment board, to inquire inquiries or do remarks directed to their facilitator. Methods of direction: Percentage of Course Credit Video Lectures 20 % Textbook/Articles Readings 10 % Midterm project 25 % Final undertaking 30 % Discussion Board interaction ( hebdomadal entries ) 10 % Engagement 5 % Rating criteria/system and rating activities: A class decision maker will be reexamining pupils ‘ replies and supplying feedback. Students will be evaluated on their creativeness and ability to integrate techniques from the talk into the treatment board, research documents, illustrations and lesson programs. University Grading Criteria Grade Equivalent 97-100 % A+ 93-96 % Angstrom 90-92 % A- 87-89 % B+ 83-86 % B 80-82 % B- 77-79 % C+ 73-76 % C 70-72 % C- 69 % or below U Attendance/Participation It is expected that pupils will go to all instructional Sessionss, required activities, and field assignments. Students who do non go to the first dark of category AND do non advise the teacher in progress will be dropped from the class and possibly charged a class bead fee. University Computer Lab/Library Services Please refer to Section VI in the Student Handbook. Disability Servicess Please refer to Section VII in the Student Handbook. Due day of the months of major assignments, undertakings, and scrutinies: Midterm Due Dates: Final Due Dates: Discussion Board Interaction: One alone remark and one response to a pupils remark by Sunday of each hebdomad. MIDTERM PROJECT Date Due: Look at your current instruction agenda and your lesson programs. How flexible have those guidelines and timeframes become due to alterations in the school agenda that are the consequence of the inclusion of ELLs or Bilingual pupils in the general instruction categories? How are schedules different in categories where the bringing of direction is pull out as compared to and/or contrasted with push in plans? How make your presently supply services to the 2nd linguistic communication scholars in your schoolroom? How is direction provided to such pupils throughout the school and the territory? Which theoretical account do you prefer for yourself, the instructor, and why? Which theoretical account do you prefer for the pupils and why? FINAL Undertaking Date Due: Based on the constructs presented in this class, analyse your schoolroom and your school ‘s subject program. Include a treatment on how you communicate your outlooks to the pupils and parents. How do you make out to the parents/guardians of the ELL and Bilingual pupils? What has been tried and successful? What can be improved based on what you have learned? How has the inclusion of ELL/Bilingual pupils in the general instruction puting impacted schoolroom direction and subject? Why may classroom direction and subject be handled otherwise in general instruction categories, in ELL categories or in Bilingual categories? Should at that place be differences in attacks? Why or why non? Submit a paper in APA manner that is between 6-8 pages, non numbering the screen page or mention page. How to cite Preparing Your Classroom For The ELL Student, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Camouflage With The Rebels Essay Example For Students

Camouflage With The Rebels Essay Bang, bang! Gunshots were fired into the open sky, or so I thought. I wondered if that shot was meant for anyone in particular or was it just because Ramadhan was fast approaching. Nevertheless, I continued on eating at the rooftop of my Lolas house. Here in Marawi, you learn to live life with striking beliefs and you adapt to their culture. A gunshot could mean many things; it could either be that there is a rido family feud or a festive celebration of some kind. When I first encountered such peculiar tradition, I panicked, shouted, cried and hid behind closed doors and cemented walls. I was afraid of flying bullets. But to my dismay, everyone around me just rejoiced and laughed. Ramadhan was a few hours away, and many show their extreme excitement through the triggering of such firearms. I learned to live with it eventually, until now that is. Weird yet strikingly true. As a student of Mindanao State University MSU, I have intellectually accepted their way of life and way of thinking. Being raised in different parts of the Arabian world, I was not used to witnessing such scenarios. I am proudly a Maranao myself, but these beliefs I was never aware of until now. One time, a man was killed two houses from ours. He laid there like an abandoned dead cat. Only after a few hours did people gathered around him, created a commotion and then left. Even the police did not come to investigate. They were afraid of interfering for fear of being involved themselves in the rido that caused the mans death. Believe it or not, just admiring a lady for having a sexy body would summon their guns to fire at you. Here, their pride comes first, and not some legal laws or officials could instruct them which is right and wrong. But do not get me wrong. Despite this, the other good traits and traditions of Maranaos I am certainly proud of. We are unique in our own way. This only means we have laid a strong foundation for our future generation the Maranaos cannot easily be stepped unto. Besides, the guns are only fired when we feel like we are not respected and are oppressed or harassed. And the end result: a unified city with people looking after one another, and sharing the blessings of Allah. As the Prophet Mohammad SAW said: All men are equal before the eyes of Allah. No rich, no poor. This we show in our community. Even the poor ones have the right to be heard. What is superb is the love we show for our Muslim brothers and sisters. We offer help to those who needs it, even those who are not of our blood, exchanging of ulam during meal times this I encounter everyday in my Lolas house, and the assurance that a fellow Maranao will let you borrow money even if you have just been acquainted for a few weeks. In Marawi, you will never be lost. The house of others is open for everyone to stay, and everyone knows everyone. Even the blind beggar on the side of the mosque, his life history everyone is aware of. The fenced mansion on the corner, closed yet their life is an open book. The lady on the bakery is sick again, so everyone pays a visit and prays for her health. The girl with the red car is getting married, her house flocked with well-wishers and advises to offer for the next big leap she is about to make. A kandori party is being held and visitors come in to watch the kulintangan, and mouthful bites of the exquisite cuisines such as dodol, kuning, manok a lalawagan, etc. I know others speak of my hometown as hazardous and unsafe, but Ive never walked in a place alone in the streets before without any fear attached. In other countries Ive been to, I could not do such thing. Maybe because I am from Marawi, I belong here so I feel free and unharmed all the time. .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 , .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 .postImageUrl , .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 , .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102:hover , .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102:visited , .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102:active { border:0!important; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102:active , .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102 .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2a79bdb750ea165f1de3fd3402146102:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The adjective melodramatic EssayFrom waking up in the morning till hitting the bed at night, I am assured by my instincts that my day will be okay and no harm will strike upon me. Elders occasionally give us advices, especially the experts of our religion imams. Everywhere you go, youll feel like they are looking after you. Youll feel like you are loved. In my hometown, youll seldom hear fights nor hatred being expressed, wild teenagers at night nor loud parties. In short, my place is quiet, so quiet that when the clock strikes 6pm, no one is out in the streets. Everyone is in their homes, enjoying a great bonding with their families. Never could you hear youngsters running away nor families unstable. Even a man with 2 or more wives is still able to keep his family happy and intact. Seldom have I encountered an unstable family with dozens of problems to endure; instead, theyre always enthusiastic, blissful, and full of energy. I have proved these people are not rebels with firearms blatantly displayed, but rebels of God to spread His words and to live according to His teachings; and rebels for others to pull them off when they are dangling off a cliff, to look after them, and to guide them in the right path. I writhe in pain when I hear Muslims being stamped with the word terrorist on it. Ive known Muslims, Maranaos at least, my entire life and I strongly disagree with such. My people have no fault of having born to live a life as simple and conservative as they have been. Their beliefs and principles they want to inculcate in others minds the peace, tranquility, and love for humankind Islam has to offer. Yes, we are rebels. Rebels we are proud to be.